Changing Password

  1. Select the images/download/thumbnails/3610072/Blue-Down_Arrow.png icon next to your name at the top.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Select Change Password on the My Profile tab.
    The Set your password screen is displayed with a list of password requirements.

  4. Change the password, and Select Submit.

Your account password is updated and a confirmation message is displayed.


Your password must contain the following:

  • 'X' number of characters, where 'X' must be between 8 to 12 characters long, and is configured by your company administrator.

  • One UPPER CASE character.

  • One lower case character.

  • One special character.

Resetting the Password

As a User, you can reset your password in case you have forgotten the password. Select images/download/thumbnails/3610072/Share-Forgot_password.png . Enter your email ID and Select Submit. The instructions to reset your password are sent to your email ID.


The password reset link expires after you use it to reset your password. In case you do not reset your password using the reset link within three hours, the link expires.