Sorting your Documents and Folders

iManage Share enables you to sort your documents and folders to help you access them quickly and efficiently.


Enables you to sort your documents and folders alphabetically, by selecting:

  • images/download/thumbnails/1638879/Name_Sort.png : to sort the list in a descending order.

  • images/download/thumbnails/1638879/Name_Sort_Desc.png : to sort the list in an ascending order.

Modified By

The Modified By column lists users who have modified the documents and folders. You cannot use this feature for sorting your content within a column, but you can use it from the Filters tab to narrow your search. For more information, see Using Filters.


Enables you to sort your documents and folders chronologically as of the last modified date by selecting:

  • images/download/thumbnails/1638879/Modified_Asc.png : to sort the list starting with the most recent document or folder.

  • images/download/thumbnails/1638879/Modified_Desc.png : to sort the list starting with the oldest document or folder.