Document View

The Document view is available when you select a specific document from a folder or search list, as shown in the following figure:

Figure:Document view


From the Document view you can perform various actions specific to that context. The actions you can perform are determined by the level of access you have on the document.

Documents You Own

The list of available options for your documents are:

  • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Flag_as_in_Use.png : Flag the document as being in use.

  • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/New_version.png : Add or update a document version.

  • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Download_Option.png : Download the document.

  • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/More_Actions.png : Displays the following options:

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Comment_Option.png : Add a comment for the document.

      • If you have already commented on the document, you can select the images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Edit_Comment.png option to update or delete the comment.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Add_Tags.png : Add or delete document tags.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Secure_Sharing_Link.png : Share the document with other users (including users without an iManage Share account) securely.
      For more information, see Sharing a Document.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Rename_Option.png : Rename the document.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Copy_Option.png : Copy the document.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Move_Option.png : Move the document from its current location.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Create_Shortcut_Option.png : Create a document shortcut for quick access.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Add_To_Favorites.png : Mark this document as a favorite.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Move_to_Trash.png : Delete the document from Company View page and move it to Trash folder.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/View_History_Option.png : View the document history.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/View_Index_Details.png : View the document index details.

    • images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Green_dot_Icon.png : Indicates the folder where the document is located. Selecting the hyperlink next to this icon takes the user back to the originating folder.

Documents within a Shared Folder

For the documents that are within a shared folder. the document detail options vary according to the folder sharing rights assigned. For more information about the various user access levels, see User Access Levels. The available user access levels for the document detail options are:

  • Co-Owner: You can use all the options available under Your Documents. In addition, you get the images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Secure_Sharing_Link.png option that enables you to share this document with other users (including users without an iManage Share account) securely.

  • Collaborator: You can use all the other options that is available for a Co-Owner, except images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Move_Option.png and images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Move_to_Trash.png .

  • Guest: You can use only images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Secure_Sharing_Link.png , images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Copy_Option.png , images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Create_Shortcut_Option.png and images/download/thumbnails/5049732/Add_To_Favorites.png .